Sunday, January 4, 2009

debugging flex from command line

To generate the debug SWF file using the mxmlc command-line compiler, you set the debug option to true, either on the command line or in the flex-config.xml file. The following example sets the debug option to true on the command line:

mxmlc -debug=true myApp.mxml

To Add external library in flex

Use the option –library-path with += to include your external library + existing library.

Use the option –library-path with = to include your library only.

For example :

D:\developement\QBfstoolsNew\TTA\Dev\flex\OnDemand>c:\flex\bin\mxmlc -library-path+=C:\flex\lib\AutoComplete.swc OnDemand.mxml

Loading configuration file C:\flex\frameworks\flex-config.xml

D:\developement\QBfstoolsNew\TTA\Dev\flex\OnDemand\OnDemand.swf (350202 bytes)
